
Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Kawah Ijen, An Amazing Volcano.

Kawah Ijen, is one of mountain that is still active today. This mountain has a height of about 2,443 m above sea level, and has a caldera with 300-500 m height. The mountain has erupted four times in 1796, 1817, 1913 and 1936.
Ijen crater is located in Bondowoso district, Klobang sub-district and Banyuwangi  district, and also Licin district. To reach the location of the crater from the capital city (Surabaya), we can take two alternative way that are, through the town of Banyuwangi and Bondowoso.

The view of Ijen Crater from the top

The image of Kawah Ijen with its sulfur

From the top of Ijen crater, we can also enjoy the beautiful panorama of the natural landscape around the crater, the view towards the town of Bondowoso, while enjoying a very cool air that range between 2 Celsius-18 Celsius.
In the other hand, from the slope of the mountain, we can find a variety of plants, such as the mountain pine (casuarina junghuhniana), while around the lip of the crater we can find many Mentigis (Vaccinium varingiaefolia) and Edelweiss’ (Anaphalis sp). Other plants that can be found there are Jamuju (Podocarpus inbricatus) and Pasang (Lithocarpus sp).
Beside of the varieties of amazing things on top, the crater also has its own uniqueness. It has a greenish-colored crater lake combined with the gray crater walls, golden yellow and black. At one side of the crater, there are sulfur gas sources source of sulfur which are still active. It blew out the sulfurs through the walls of the crater . The Sulfurs melts out from the crater rim. To see this uniqueness, we have to go down to the bottom of the edge of the crater by steep footpaths. It would be better if we went there in  August-September, so we could see the Edelweiss flower blossom and see the activity in Kawah Ijen sulfur mining.

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