
Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Mount Raung

Mount Raung lies east of Bondowoso on the edge of the giant ancient Ijen Crater. It is located within the Sumber Wringin village, Sumber Wringin district. Mount Raung is a big mount that unique and different with the other mountain in Java Island. The unique thing of mount Raung is its caldera, which about 500 meters depth and always smoked with sprinkle the fire.

Mount Raung is an old mount with the caldera in its peak and surrounded by many small hills, makes its panorama looks beautiful and fantastic. The scenery is very interesting as there are many types of plants and animals. The tour activity in this area is very interesting and it will become a good opportunity for visitors, especially those interested in mountain climbing. The peak of this mountain lies at 3,332 meters above sea level. The tourist can begin climbing the mountain from Pos I (Pesanggrahan Sumber Wringin) which provides a number of guides who are ready to give services to hikers.

The easy way to climb Mount Raung is through Bondowoso direction. From Bondowoso continued to Sumber Waringin village by colt through Sukosani. The journey begins from Sumber Waringin village through Pinus forest and coffee plantation to go toward Pondok Motor or the climber post. Then the visitors can meet a guide in that place. The tourists can spend the night here, and then continue the journey to peak took about 9 hours.

From Pondok Motor to Mount Raung, we will pass coffee plantation, Pinus forest, spruce-fir forest, and then the tourists arrive in a campground. The journey continued through sedge grass field about 1 hour, to Mount Raung peak that sandy and stony. It will take about 2 hours.

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